Club News

Nov 12 Texas VOA Holiday Party

Jerry and Laura have once again taken the lead and made arrangements for us to eat at the Leona General Store again this year for our joint Texas Holiday Party. More details to follow as the date gets closer, but save the date! We have several members, from all three chapters, that swear this is the best steak they have ever had so you don’t want to miss this party!

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The Viper Owners Association (VOA) is an international club for Dodge/SRT Viper owners all around the world. The VOA is the largest and most active Viper Club on the planet and its mission is simply to help Viper owners have a more enjoyable ownership experience. The VOA provides its members with club activities, amazing quarterly magazine, merchandise, vendor discounts, event insurance, a special communication path to the manufacturer, technical information, and a community environment to share Viper passion with other owners.

You can register by phone by calling VOA Headquarters directly (M-F 8:30am - 5pm EST):

(888) 778-1545


Click here to register on-line: